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Donate to the Association

The Geneva International String Academy Association plays a vital role in the ongoing success of the Academy. You can join the association and help us providing the best conditions to our students by making an annual contribution starting from 100 CHF.

All donations are tax deductable. Transfer information Bank name:

Banque: UBS Switzerland AG
CH-8098 Zürich

Iban: CH730027927934883001Y
Geneva International String Academy
Etude de Me Thierry Wuarin
Rue de la Croix-d'Or 10
CH1204 Genève

For more information, contact us using our contact form or writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your generous support to the Geneva International String Academy!

Concert 2021 at the E. Fitzgerald theatre

Partenaires principaux

Pilet & Renaud
Stadler-Trier Music foundation

The right place to be
29 June to 7 July 2024 !



Apply now !