An inspiring experience

Geneva International String Academy

The right place to be on 29 June to 7 July 2024 !

The Academy
Valentin Erben

Guest of honor 2024: Valentin Erben
Member of the Alban Berg Quartet

When he was awarded the "Premier Prix du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique" in Paris in 1967, his teacher, André Navarra, predicted somewhat skeptically: "You will play too much chamber music in your life."
Years later, when he heard him with the Alban Berg Quartet, he declared Valentin Erben - this time with admiration - as a "virtuoso of chamber music."
Günter Pichler, the first violinist of the Alban Berg Quartet, calls him the "angel of the string quartet."


Musicians selected for the 2024 edition!

selected students 2024

Results of candidatures will be communicated by April 30

Résumé 2023

Full comprehensive support

All admitted participants receive a full comprehensive support covering all costs of their participation, that includes Tuition, Housing, and daily Lunches.
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Intensive Individual Work

At least 4 individual lessons with distinguished faculty

Chamber Music

Ensembles featuring faculty and students playing together

Concerts in different locations

The Société de Lecture, Museum Barbier-Mueller, ...

100% Full Scholarship

For all admitted participants


Geneva Old City

Learning in cultural centers of rare exception

Masterclasses, chamber music rehearsals and public concerts will be held in the inspiring salons of the Société de Lecture, the Barbier-Mueller Museum, and the Conservatoire Populaire de Musique. All sites are ideally located in the beautiful old city of Geneva.

The Société de Lecture

The Société de Lecture

The Société de Lecture, created in 1818, is nowadays considered one of the most dynamic cultural places in Geneva

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Musée Barbier-Mueller

Musée Barbier-Mueller

A public interest foundation, the Barbier-Mueller museum hosts the largest collection of world and cultures arts in private hands.
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Practicing and Rehearsals

Conservatoire Populaire

Conservatoire Populaire

The Conservatoire populaire has been transmitting the passion for music, dance and theater to its students in Geneva since 1932.
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A resume of one day
July 2022 - 12mn

Talented string players: this is the place to be on first week of July 2024!


Concert 2021 at the E. Fitzgerald theatre

Partenaires principaux

Pilet & Renaud
Stadler-Trier Music foundation

The right place to be
29 June to 7 July 2024 !



Apply now !